Monday 10 February 2014

Desperate measures to smash through the barrier....

I refuse to continue posting the day in the post-titles for this blog since it only draws attention to my lack of progress. My weight has stubbornly remained around 71kgs and I can see a pattern emerging where my weight is yoyo-ing from one end of the week to the other. In other words the weekends aren't really working out for me.

So I feel a little despondent and know that I'm going to have to try much, much harder if I have any hope of smashing through the 70kg barrier. Of course I could just try out the brilliant technique employed by one of the Miss Venezuela contestants in order to lose weight I suppose. Apparently the woman in question had a plastic mesh patch surgically attached to her tongue - a technique developed by, yes you guessed it, a Beverly Hills surgeon - which makes eating solid food painful. Yes, it's an actual thing! (Note to self, never, EVER, live in Beverly Hills)
What a revolting idea!

Or I could just stop being a lazy, wine-guzzler at the weekends and try to stick to water for a few weeks. I know deep down that I will have to do this if there is any hope of dropping the remaining pounds (I wonder if it is possible to be put into a coma for a couple of weeks, you know, just to get over the worst of it?)

The task for this week is to double my exercise to see if it makes any difference. Instead of one Jillian workout and one gentle ballet workout each day, I'm going to do two of both (or add in something new). I know it's time consuming, but life in the outback means no traffic or shopping queues, just lots of time stretching out between making school lunches and and washing uniforms. I'm sure I can fit it in.

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