Tuesday 4 February 2014

Day 29 and time to get back on the wagon...

Really? Day 29 and I'm hardly any further on than I was on day 1. Last week's distractions did me no favours weight-wise but I'm back now, determined to crack on with this. Not least because I'm a little embarrassed that I haven't progressed further than I have - I did after all go public with this in the hope that it would keep me on track. This tactic hasn't exactly worked so far.

The weekend, as predicted, took no notice of my weight-loss regime. And although I did a lot of walking around the city with my daughter, over-awed by the sight of shops and cafes, this was counteracted by the ridiculously over-priced wine and kettle crisps from the mini-bar in our hotel room, that I sipped and munched in bed with wild abandon.

During the weeks leading up to our trip to Perth, I had imagined the weight loss would be complete by the time we left, and I would be swanning around the city looking sleek and sexy. My airport outfit was to be a pair of white size 12 jeans which currently lay despondently in my bottom drawer, unworn and unloved, teamed with a silky Monsoon top which I bought when I was last pregnant and which has never fitted. Airport chic is an important aspect of any journey, and who doesn't want to look like Victoria Beckham coming through arrivals?

I notice that Aussies do airport chic very well, in fact I would go as far as to say it was invented by them. Waiting for my return flight yesterday, I was struck by how very sleek the women looked with their Grecian sandles, silk shift-dresses and large sunglasses, all polished off with an oversized handbag.

I looked NOTHING like this...
By comparison I looked dishevelled and lumpen, my Boden dress alarmingly unfashionable and creased from hours of driving around the city trying to get from City Beach to Fremantle and back again without the aid of a sat nav (no easy feat ladies and gentlemen). My face slightly greenish from the stress of driving an automatic car rental with a foot break so sensitive I spent the entire weekend being thrown forward every twenty seconds (I was beeped on average once an hour).

My hand luggage consisted of a $7 bag from K-Mart, covered in ink stains, and a school bag I had bought for my nine-year-old, stuffed with school stationary - which is impossible to buy up here in the outback - as well as two dumbells I'd promised I'd get for DH.

The whole look was less Victoria Beckham and more Jo Brand.

So today is day 29 but also day 1 of the 'no more excuses' regime and besides, I've promised daughter that I will be wearing those size 12 jeans next time I see her. Onwards and upwards.

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