Friday 14 February 2014

Ditching the sadism...

Well today I come to you slightly more upbeat and decidedly less truculent than yesterday. The scales indicate I'm almost back to the 70kgs I was so pleased about two weeks ago. Thank god. A lesson has been learned and that is for sure; don't become complacent with any weight loss you might manage, and don't expect it to turn the other cheek just because you are having a bad week. Sending my daughter away gave me a mental hall-pass - or so I thought - to drink mid-week, to not bother with my workouts, and guess what, I gained back a couple of kgs. What on earth did I expect?

But I have better news. I've ditched Jillian Michaels and her sadistic 30 day shred. Yes, you heard me Jillian, I QUIT!

Having been doing these workouts on average five or six times a week for the past month or so, I realised I was dreading them more and more, and what's more, they weren't making a huge difference to me. The introduction of the softer, more balletic workouts a couple of weeks ago, lead me to Tiffany Rothe, who not only does a ballet workout, but has a series of 10 minute workouts on YouTube which tackle different parts of the body - from her 'Get your sexy back!', to her '10 minute booty shaking waist workout'.

These workouts concentrate on lady figures - waists, hips, bottoms - rather than Jillian's '24-things-you-can-do-with-the-plank' approach, which I despised beyond words. I love them, they make me sweat every bit as much as Jillian but without hating every minute of it. Also, being just 10 minutes a go, you can decide to spend as little or as much time as you want, hopping from workout to workout. They're quite addictive actually.

One thing I've noticed with the massive array of workouts available on YouTube is the prominence of ultra-difficult, contortionistic (is that a word?) type workouts out there. As if the more difficult it is to get into the position, the more effective it is. But I disagree with this. If you're trying to do jumping jack while in the plank pose, I reckon its efficacy is reduced by the effort to maintain the pose. Workouts don't need to be difficult to be effective.

So I've been working with Tiffany all week, and the results are every bit as heartening as anything I did with Jillian, and perhaps even a little better since - I'm sure my waist is looking trimmer than this time last week.

Poor St Valentine, where's the love?
So it's Valentines day, a day when we celebrate a match-making priest who was especially keen on conducting secret marriage ceremonies for Christians, much to the chagrin of the Emperor Claudius Gothicus, who ordered he be stoned to death. When that failed, he had him beheaded instead. Ooh I've come over all romantic...

I considered going out for dinner with DH tonight to the one inn we have in the town, which, as ambient as it is with its topless barmaid and enormous TV, I eventually decided against, opting to cook instead.

Am going to try this I think - it's dead easy and really doesn't require instructions, but have added them anyway. To follow will be yesterday's creme egg brownies with cream...

Carrots with Chickpeas and Pinenuts

Add a vibrant crunch to your meal with this nutty salad.
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olive oil
1 red onion
2 cloves garlic
tin of chickpeas drained and rinsed
4 carrots, peeled and shaved into ribbons
handful of pinenuts
1 x tsp white wine vinegar
1 x tbsp flat-leaf parsely
salt and black pepper

What to do:
- heat oil in frying pan over medium heat. Add onion and cook until soft
- add garlic and cook for a minute then add chickpeas, carrots and pine nuts. Cook until pine nuts are toasted
- drizzle with the vinegar, add parsley and salt and pepper to taste

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