Monday 20 January 2014

Day 14 and 'help!' my enthusiasm is waning...

I'm two weeks into this experiment now and have hit that stage where I'm a little bored of it. My weight is stubbornly stuck at 72kgs and I can't help but feel that losing anything further is impossible. I haven't exercised in three days, slumped on the sofa all weekend watching movies, and am generally feeling crappy and dispirited and in need of an injection of enthusiasm for this process.

SO TRUE! Transformation MOTIVATION!! You can do anything as long as you set your mind to it!! Have a fitness question or interested in program information? or
Found this on's not really helping...
I think part of the problem is my overall approach to this process is a little vague. Although I would never join something like Weight Watchers, I can totally see why they work. Ditto specific diets - Paleo, 5:2 etc.. because they provide you with something to focus on. But because food is not my focus, I'm struggling to find something that I can focus on.

After I post this I am going to take my measurements and keep track of them each week. I'm well aware that weight can fluctuate up and down due to time of month, water retention etc. so it's more useful to assess the centimetres.

I'm also sticking a photo of me in a swimsuit - taken four years ago - looking much smaller than I do today, in the hope that it will encourage me a little.

If you have any other suggestions or ideas to spark some enthusiasm, please post them below, I need all the help I can get!

For now, I'm going to climb back up onto that wagon, put Jillian Michaels on the laptop and force this body to burn some calories...

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