Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 9 and a view from the rear...

I've been posting this blog on my Facebook page, and many of my readers have commented that I ought to take photos each week to chart my progress. They all stress of course that these are for my eyes only, and should involve wearing just underwear in order to get a good idea of how - if at all - my body is changing.

Yesterday I decided this might be a good idea, since I was in my swimsuit and all ready for the pool anyhow. Handing DH the camera, I instructed him to take the pics - front, back, sides.

Smirking a little, he handed me back the camera, and I sloped off into the kitchen to have a look. I figured they'd be sort of OK, after all I know what I look like from the front - sort of - and it couldn't really be too different from behind, could it?

Reader, I scarcely know how I'm typing this right now, such was the impact of that rear-view shot, and I dare say I'm still in post-traumatic shock. My knees buckled a little and I had to sit down to steady myself. How did I not know? We go through life never really aware of how we appear from behind, don't we? The bottom is a family heirloom, carefully knitted into my genes and handed down from many generations of large-bottomed females before me. In short I looked like 'Bubbles' from Little Britain, and while that might be funny for a bloke in rubber suit on a TV comedy show, for an actual woman who still thinks of herself as desirable, it was a bit of a blow to be honest.
Do you think I'm sexy dahlink?

But this shock has galvanised my pursuit for a smaller me, and I have redoubled my efforts by progressing from Jillian Michaels 30 day shred level one, to level two, a move which on paper doesn't sound like much, but by god it's the difference between a leisurely stroll around the block, and a 24 mile marathon. I almost died yesterday doing it - ALMOST ACTUALLY DIED! - and half expected DH to come home from work to find me face down on the carpet, having collapsed during the plank jacks (a cross between 'the plank' and a jumping jack...yep, you read that right!). But even as the sweat ran floods down my face and my lungs struggled for air, I kept the sight of that Boden swimsuit-clad bottom at the front of my mind, and struggled on regardless.

The good news is, I lost another half a kg today which almost makes up for watching 'Saving Mr Banks' without wine last night. Almost...

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