Wednesday 22 January 2014

Day 16 and another word on workout wear. And a soup recipe...

Apropos of yesterday's post, I just HAD to post this photo I came across in The Times this morning. It accompanies - ironically enough - an article about workout wear and features the photograph below, from the new collection by Stella McCartney for Adidas. And I can't detect a hint of irony when the journalist writes: 'Happily, brands such as Stella McCartney for adidas have helped shift the perception that all women are pink-lovin' Barbies and subtler hues now abound.'

Really, is pink really so bad that this is a suitable alternative? I'd rather look like Barbie than a deranged angler any day...

Rain-mac and fishnets anyone?
But I guess as long we have super rich people, we'll also have ridiculous clothing to assuage their need for over-priced crap and the Emperor's New Clothes will always be a relevant and cautionary tale...

Names! Names! Names!

Anyway, today I've come over all Nigella-esque, and have decided to include one of my favourite recipes in this blog. Being a soup recipe, it's not exactly rocket science, but for me soup is a magical food that at once fills you with warmth, scatiety and comfort, while delivering very little in the way of calories. This combination for me is a winner.

And so, here's my recipe for - Warm and Spicy Pumpkin Soup

(disclaimer: I'm not big on measuring stuff, preferring to use my own judgement, which is why I struggled a little with the measurements below - if you feel you need more or less, go with your instinct)

I stole this picture off the internet because I didn't bother to take one of my own...but I promise, it looks exactly like this!

Half a pumkin - any kind (you could use parsnips, carrots, swede also, but I find pumpkin easier to prepare and tastier)
1 x onion
1 x tsp of garlic (or more...I use more but then I like strong flavours)
quarter of a teaspoon of crushed ginger
1 x tsp of cumin
1 x tsp of coriander
1 tbsp of Vegetable Stock (I use Vegeta gourmet stock)
2 x tsp of lime juice
Cream (optional)
Chili powder/pepper to taste

What to do

This is a really easy recipe and once the pumpkin has cooked takes me just minutes to prepare.

You could go through the arduous task of peeling and and slicing the pumpkin and then boiling it, but I simple cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, and place it on a baking tray and stick it in the oven until it's done. I cover it with tinfoil to stop the top burning. It can take at least half an hour to cook - maybe more...

Don't do the next step until the pumpkin is cooked - prod it with a knife to see if it's soft.

Chop the onions any old way (it won't matter, you'll be blending this), and toss them in the soup pot with a little oil, garlic and spices. 

Remove the pumkin from the tray and place it on a plate or chopping board (or something..) and simply scoop out the filling - which is by now nice and soft - until all that's left is the skin.

Toss the pumpkin flesh into the pan with the onion and spices and let it sizzle for a minute or two.

Pour in the stock (which you've made up with water...basically fill the pot to three quarters of the way up) and let it all simmer for a few minutes.

Add the lime juice.

Blend the whole lot together. (I use an electronic hand blender, it's so much handier since you can blend it all right there in the pot without all that messing around with stand alone blenders).

When it's all smooth, taste it to see if it needs salt/chili/lime juice (which I like to use to add a little zing).

For DH I mix in some cream as I serve it, it makes it taste a little richer. For me, oh goddess of the diet, I do without! (You could add greek yoghurt, but it tends to clump once it hits the hot soup, so you'd need to give it a little whiz with the's just too much trouble for me...)

Sprinkle with a green herb - coriander, chives, parsley - anything, it will just make it look prettier...

This is delish, healthy, full of nutrients, and can do for lunch and dinner without a hint of guilt. You can even spoil yourself with a slice of bread for dipping if you're feeling really naughty!

Now, where's my cook-book deal?

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