Monday 13 January 2014

Day 7 and working out with DH

Up til now DH has been looking on at my experiment with wry amusement. He considers my workout to be a bit lightweight and laughs at me as I pant my way through the star-jumps and criticizes my press-ups, which are, to be honest, a little pathetic - nothing can convince either myself or my arms that they are capable of bearing the weight of my entire body.

However, DH is also in need of losing a few pounds, so I invited him to join me in my 20-minutes with Jillian Michaels on Saturday afternoon, reminding him of his growing paunch. Reluctantly he agreed - how hard could it be?

The results were amusing; every time we finished a circuit he would enquire, "are we finished yet?"..."how about now?"..."ah surely by now!" And by the time we reached the final abdominal exercise he was red-faced and hyperventilating, and spent the rest of the afternoon clutching his chest and demanding I take his pulse, certain of an impending heart attack. And now, two days later, he's still shuffling around like a 90-year-old, muttering about how important it is to warm up before exercising.

Certainly the workout is intensive and combines cardio, abdominals and strength over three circuits and is incredibly effective, and you will see results in a matter of days if you stick to it. Here it is below - try it for yourself.

Tomorrow I shall attempt another weigh-in - I'm not expecting to have lost anything over the weekend considering I cheated with wine, but shall face up to it all the same in the morning. For now I'm off to the sofa to read 'They killed our president' by Jesse Ventura, not a particularly active occupation, but one needs down time too...

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